902: What Is Web 3.0 and Why Is It Relevant to e-Learning?
09:45 AM 03/25/2011
Session 902
Product Line Owner for Design Tools
Technical Instructor
E-Learning professionals are asking many questions about Web 3.0. What will Web 3.0 be able to do, and what can it do today? Can it help manage the volume of knowledge in the e-Learning processes? Can it help integrate the e-Learning system with systems other than Human Resources? How do we start working today on some of the answers?
Participants in this session will learn what the Web 3.0 technologies represent, and you will see how, by using these technologies, you will be able to deliver better products and better courses that are integrated with other knowledge systems your users will access after the training. Web 1.0 allowed stuff to be shared. Web 2.0 had a better set of user interfaces and made it more user-friendly, while Web 3.0 is about making sense of it. We'll cover the basics of Web 2.0 and 3.0, Social Media, Knowledge Management, the role of Taxonomies, and the Semantic Web. We'll discuss both the e-Learning and the Searching aspects as a collection of technologies you can use in developing an e-Learning process within any size organization and start using Web 3.0 techniques today.
In this session, you will learn:Audience: Novice, intermediate, and advanced designers, developers, managers, and others interested in topics not usually found in e-Learning professional discussions, and that will likely be new to all participants.
Session 902 slides